Friday, May 27, 2011

A long and difficult day

This day has been so long and so exhausting that I cant remember how it started. I only remember being at the hospital with Mike, waiting for them to transfer him to the new facility. The day dragged on and no one came to get him. I asked the nurses when he was going. They didnt know.. In the middle of the day two of Mike's good friends, Ellie and Jon came to see him. They were so upbeat and happy. Mike rose to the occasion for a while. He talked with them and asked them to remove his remaining belongings from the condo he was renting. But it was a bit to much energy for him. He was exhausted and fell asleep for a couple of hours. In the mean time there was no sign of the medical transporters. I spent time with Mary, my sister in law in the waiting room. Chatting and crocheting. finally around 7pm I went to the nurses and again asked them why he hadnt been moved. The charge nurse got on the phone to try to figure out what the hold up was. No one seemed to know. Thats when I had a complete melt down in the middle of the nurses station. I started crying uncontrollably and the nurse held me in her arms. I kept saying, 'my son is dying' He is 43 years old and he is dying'  The nurse had been calling different departments and telling them I was upset. I told her that if they werent there in an hour I wasnt going to let them move him. I didnt want this happening in the middle of the night. The nurse agreed that he should stay. Then, out of nowhere the transport team arrived. Somewhere someone decided to send them. They didnt even know who they were there for. They had to call the base station and ask. They went in Mike's room, and he sat up on the edge of the bed and started getting sick. It was bad enough that we all decided not to send him to the other facility. There are lots of reasons for this decision. But I choose not to go into more detail. Lets just say his vital signs are stable. And he is awake and talking to us. We have shared some tender moments and sweet reconciliation.
I was completely drained. Frank came down to the hospital and insisted that Mary and I go home. She drove for me. We stopped at CoCos and split a bacon and tomato sandwich and a piece of pie.  
It is now 10:30. Frank just came home. He told me he and Mike had a nice talk and he left feeling hopeful.
 Please feel free to write your thoughts in the comments. It will help me feel more connected to all of you who are reading this.
Tomorrow is another day.


  1. Sal,
    I've been reading every post, sometimes two or three times It is comforting to follow Mike's status. Nancy, Austin, Michelle and Sierra have all been asking about him, and have seen the blog. Our hearts and prayers are with you all. Please tell Mike we love and care for him very much.

  2. Sallee & Frank we are here if you need anything - just let us know.
    Carmen and Jim

  3. Sal and Frank,
    I'm checking this a couple of times a day and sharing it with Steve and Mom. You are all on our minds as you move through this difficult transition. Give Mike our love.
