Friday, June 3, 2011

He is still breathing

The hours go by and Michael still breathes. He is more peaceful now. We are able to talk to him and feel that he might hear us. Before his breathing was so loud and so labored that it was painful to be in the room with him. Now it is softer. Sometime he lets out a big sigh.  Sue sings to him. I lean near him and tell him I love him. I wash his face and hands. The nurses come in and turn him and keep him clean. One of them told me that she was crying when she saw our pain a few days ago. She said only someone who has lost a child can know how it feels. Everyone is so wonderful here. They are so good to us. We will forever be grateful to Casa De Las Companas
Katie and Bruce arrived today. They decided to drive down. It was a long hard day for them through LA traffic.
We are home now going to bed for the night... so strange while Mike lies dying we come home to sleep as if it was any other night in our lives. If we didnt sleep we wouldnt be able to do this.  It is now 10 days since we got the call that Mike was dying.
Our friends and neighbors are starting to hear about Mike and gathering around us as friends do at times like this.

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