Monday, June 13, 2011

Heidi's email

I got this email from Heidi yesterday Heidi was Mike's high school sweetheart. They were together for a couple of years after high school as well. I felt it worth adding in it's entirety.
If you wish to email me click on this link: Email Sallee Im using this to protect my main email address from spam

Hi Sallee,
I've been reading your daily blog and can't tell you how much I appreciate your open and honest sharing of what is happening in yours and Mr. O'Brien's lives. I took the time to read the older posts too, which caught me up to where you both are now.
I hope you know that sharing your thoughts and grief is a selfless act of healing for us all. Today's post ("Sorting it out") was extremely significant. I didn't realize how serious Mike's alcoholism and emotional state was, and I am upset that I didn't keep better contact with you and him throughout the years. My thinking was that Mike had a great family and upbringing, so life was good for him. He was handsome, charming, and intelligent so his successes would be easy. I never imagined this success would be negative.
Sallee, I remember you as the embodiment of a mother diety, so trying to "sort out" why your son was an alcoholic instead of the President of the United States is impossible for me. I do believe that life's process is to equalize, constantly shifting and moving so that the balance continues into a seamless harmony - a harmony that may be perceived as chaotic at times. Living as "matter" (our bodies) is only a portion of the the harmonious whole; therefore, believing that those we love are entirely gone after they leave their bodies is not natural and does not support the efficiency of nature. The spirit of life is the most powerful and valuable form of energy in the universe. So when the phase of living in the human body is gone, it is then returned to the greatness that is. Mike was a glorious spirit living in a tortured body, so leaving it would have been a priority for him, a goal that is difficult for us to understand because our bodies' chemistry doesn't have the same problems.
From your posts, Mike is with you, and from the look of it, he is finally in the position to support and love you, Frank and Katie now. Many native cultures, including the Hawaiians, believe that the ties of family cannot be broken, even in death. I believe this too. As a spirit, Mike is now able to cherish and love you, Mr. O'Brien and Katie (as well as the rest of his family), fulfilling his obligation as the wonderful son he wasn't able to be in his body. There are more connections waiting for you from Mike. I knew him before all of the hardships and know that all of his conact with you will be irresistible, wondrous and a restoration for all that was.
Love, Heidi 

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