Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My heart hurts

I thought I was going to be ok. But today I cant stop thinking about him,  no matter how I try to distract myself.

1 comment:

  1. Sal,
    As you know I have been reading your blog, daily, and you are doing fine. You will have good days and you will have bad days. Today is a bad day. Accept it is that, don't try to rationalize or minimalize it. You're grieving, please allow yourself that. Although I have no idea the depth of pain you and Frank are feeling, I know that all feelings are real and normal and the best way to move forward is to allow the feelings to come out when they need to, not to try to "stuff" them down or push them away. Your crying, your pain, your emotions will lessen with time. Tomorrow is a new day and with that come different emotions, perhaps a happy day. That is my prayer for you, that on the sad days, you feel Mike's love and your family and friends love, and mostly you feel God's love and peace. And on happy days may you still feel all the same.
    I love you!
