Friday, July 22, 2011

Coming full circle

The most astonishing thing has happened. My daughter Katie called us two days ago and uttered two words that will change my life forever. "Im pregnant!"
I never thought I would hear those words from my 41 year old daughter. She has always been adamant that she wasnt going to have children. I have been careful not to pressure her about this. I firmly believe that the decision about whether to have children can and should only be decided by the people who would have them.
Of course I was sad. It has been difficult to see the little ones coming knowing that there were no little ones for me. But I took comfort in the delightful children who are my sister's and brother's grandchildren. 
When I heard those words, I felt my chest open with a woosh and my universe changed for ever. I just started sobbing and saying 'Katie, Katie Katie' over and over. At the same time my mind could not wrap itself around this information.
Katie wants me to be sure I understand that she doesnt want her child linked in any way with Mike. Even though she was pregnant when she came down two months ago when Mike was dying. I completely understand. Katie doesn't want her life on the internet, so I won't be blogging about this.
I think Im finished with this blog. Life goes on. Michael is glad. So am I.

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